Up Garrison Photographic Portfolio » Client Photography

These galleries contain example photos from many of the photo shoots I have completed for my clients since turning to professional photography as my primary income source and passion in 2004. Some of these images are also now available as large-format prints or for licensing as stock photography, particularly in the Historical Documentation and Sports sections. Inquires regarding photo print purchases or licensing, photo assignments or any of your photography needs can be sent to my email address, found at the bottom of every page in this gallery.

Advertising Photography

Advertising Photography

166 Images

This gallery displays a selection of example photographs obtained for a variety of clients specifically targeted for use in media advertising campaigns. All images in this section are client specific, and as such are NOT available as prints or other use at this time.

Aerial Photography

Aerial Photography

63 Images

Nothing beats hanging out of a helicopter or other aircraft getting photos for a client. This gallery displays a selection of example photographs obtained for a variety of clients for a variety of commercial or development/NGO uses. All images in this section are client specific, and as such are NOT available as prints or other use at this time.

Event Photography

Event Photography

208 Images

This gallery displays a selection of example photographs obtained for a variety of clients specifically targeted at photo-documenting one time events. All images in this section are client specific, and as such are NOT available as prints or other use at this time.

Historical Documentation

Historical Documentation

468 Images

This gallery displays a selection of example photographs obtained for a variety of clients specifically targeted at long-term, repeat visit documentation efforts; the efforts in this section spanned time frames from 2 weeks to 18 months of coverage. Many images in this section are client specific, but all the photos in the Dr Chris Barlow Commission section are available as large format prints or for licensing use.

Location Photography

Location Photography

160 Images

This gallery displays a selection of example photographs obtained for a variety of clients specifically targeted at photo-documenting unique activities or locations, such as for detailed architectural photography, a VIP visiting a remote location or medium-term duration documentation (usually spanning 2-10 days) effort. All images in this section are client specific, and as such are NOT available as prints or other use at this time.

Sports Photography

Sports Photography

310 Images

This gallery displays a selection of example photographs obtained for a variety of clients specifically targeting sports photography. Many images in this section are available as large format prints or for licensing use.


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